40 weeks!

This week Zodd visited the city a couple of times. Now when autumn is here people tend to stay inside rather than go for walks on the streets and windowshop, but the castlepark just outside the city is a gatheringplace and the photos below are all shot there.
Ducks and geese swam in the ponds and Zodd watched them with great interest, curious but calm.
Speaking of other animals, Zodd is slowly getting over the fear of horses that came with the accidental electric shock some weeks back (he got it while greeting a foal).
Now he can walk past a pasture of horses without growling and barking, even if he still doesn't trust those big animals the way he did before the accident.
Our four cats are also getting along better with him, or should I say, Zodd is getting along better with THEM. He no longer feel the urge to play hard with them every time they walk past, even if the wild n' crazy glint shines in his eyes from time to time ;)
One of the cats LOVE Zodd and is more affectionate toward him than any of the humans in the house. It's very sweet when they cuddle.