"Zzap" Zodd "Zzap"
While on a morningwalk this week Zodd accidently walked into an electric fence. And the horror that followed will not be forgotten for a long long time...
It all happened so very fast and he took off with his tail low (and he NEVER carries his tail that way) and a look of dismay on his face. He was off leash, as he almost always is on our walks, and ran for a while before looking over his shoulder to me and my father, as if to say "RUN! RUN for your lifes!!", and then he did.
He had disappeared before we could catch up to him and then he was gone.
We were deep in the woods, on a path we had not visited many times before and soon we split up to search for our boy. It didn't take long before I found tracks in the mud and when I followed them I soon understood that he was running as fast as he could - back home!
When I some time later, sweaty and panting, met my sister on the path she told me Zodd was safe and sound at home. He was laying on the lawn, trying to catch his breath, and when I got home and he saw me he was overcome with joy "OH THANK the Buddha, you made it too!" was what he seemed to say.
Later that night he became ill. No nausea, no vomiting, no fever, just unable to calm down. He walked around in a state of stress, exhausted from the earlier events, but unable to lie down. He acted as if ants were crawling between his toes and he couldn't shake them off.
After consulting a veterinarian, the internet and several books we decided to go to the vet, but then, while I was on the phone with the vet Zodd suddenly lay down and fell asleep. A deep, exhausted and calm sleep that lasted all night.
The relief we all felt is indescribable.
Now he stops halfway on the path to where he got that electic shock and it's impossible to budge him. It doesn't matter from which direction we walk. I think he'll never forget, or forgive, that stupid stupid fence. I know I won't.